Birth Story Time!
In this post, we’re thrilled to share the inspiring birth story of one of our HypnoBirthing couples who took a class here at Nurture. Their journey is a testament to the power of preparation, relaxation, and trust in the birthing process. Through the ups and downs, they navigated their experience with grace and strength, and their story is sure to resonate with anyone preparing for childbirth. Join us as we delve into their beautiful and empowering journey to meet their baby.
“Hi Erica, wanting to thank you again for allowing us to work with you. Our time with you proved very valuable. Thanks to processing with you I was open to getting my membranes swept, one day before my due date. Having my membranes swept may later prove to have been important, because my dr said it was evident that my placenta had begun to detach.
Labor began at 2 am, contractions immediately regular at 10 min apart and down to 8 min within the hour. When contractions were less than 5 min apart we went not to the hospital, arriving at 8:30am.
I was only 2 cm dilated upon arrival but confirmed that I was in active labor. I was admitted with the understanding that I would need to progress in order to avoid pitocin and within a few hours I had dilated to 4cm.
My initial plan was to move around but I was very nauseous and once in L&D I laid on my right side with a peanut ball between my legs for the duration of labor. I kept my eyes closed with a cool cloth over my eyes and forehead and apparently the room was very cold but it felt good to me.
I was unaware with my eyes closed who was in the room. With each contraction I gripped the bed rail and breathed in for 4 and out for 6. As contractions became more intense my exhaled groan was longer. My mom and Max were behind me- she doing soft touch running her fingers through my hair and Max applying hard pressure to my lower back where I needed it. They were my dream team and supported each other to have constant hands on me for the 6 hours I labored.
At one point I questioned how long I could continue without pain management. Max and my nurse were very encouraging and he asked her to check my progress. I was at 7cm and so determined to keep going. I was in the home stretch.
Baby’s heart rate started to be affected around 9.5cm so I rolled to my back and told to begin pushing. I quickly dilated to 10 avoiding an advised episiotomy. I was able to feel his head crowning. I was told we didn’t have much time, I need to push to push to avoid an emergency c-section as his heart rate continued to decrease. He was here just a few contractions later. His cord was cut as the doctors quickly checked his vitals but we heard him cry almost immediately and then he was back on my chest.
While it was dramatic in those final minutes, his overall birth was very positive and Max and I were both very prepared thanks to your guidance and resources you provided. I felt in control of my breath and Max was the support I needed to finish it the way I had hoped. After delivery the nurses remarked that I was very in control and could tell that we had prepped for delivery.
Thank you for guiding us and helping to set us up for success!
Marie, Max and Adrian”