Cincinnati Postpartum Doula Support

Embark on Your Postpartum Journey with Confidence

“Providing Strength, Courage, and Carefully Crafted Guidance for Mothers”

What makes us unique.

Becoming a parent can be equal parts hard + amazing. And we are your village. In this delicate postpartum period, Nurture Doulas take center stage, playing an indispensable role in empowering you to fully embrace the wonders of the "4th trimester.” Our mission is to ensure you enjoy the precious moments with your amazing newborn without the unnecessary stress of exhaustion and depletion.

let’s connect

Try Before You Buy

Experience the benefits of postpartum doula support with “Simple Supportive Start,” a 20-minute virtual session with one of our doulas for only $25.

This trial session allows you to see what our postpartum doulas can do for you, offering personalized tips and advice tailored to your current needs.

If you find the support helpful, our doulas can guide you on how to book additional in-person or virtual sessions to continue receiving the care and guidance you deserve during this special time.

Phoebe Lapps, CLD, CPD

Why Choose Nurture’s Doulas?

  • Trusted by Doctors, Midwives, & Moms

    Nurture Doulas have garnered top ratings from hospitals, midwives, lactation consultants, mental health therapists, and most importently— other moms.

    Our postpartum doulas are not only CPR certified and background checked, but they also hold multiple certifications in their specialized field, ensuring a high level of expertise and professionalism.

  • Day & Overnight Options

    Are you a first-time parent navigating the challenges of postpartum? Or maybe you had a complicated delivery and are facing a challenging recovery? Maybe you’re adjusting to life with multiples or caring for a baby who had a NICU journey? Whatever your situation, our doulas have the knowledge and skills to provide tailored support you need to thrive (not just survive) your postpartum time.

    Choose from our flexible day or night options, allowing you to tailor your support based on what's best for you, your baby, and your family.

  • Unwavering Support & Commitment

    Our doulas can help with meal preparation, suggesting delicious and nutrient-dense recipes that cater to your specific dietary needs. They can also assist with things like baby wearing, light housekeeping, baby’s first bath, or taking that first stroller walk outside.

    Our doulas go above and beyond, ensuring that you feel empowered and reassured throughout your journey.

  • Serving Cincinnati, Dayton, Northern KY, and Indy

    Working seamlessly as a team, our doulas provide the most comprehensive, in-person care throughout pregnancy and every stage of welcoming a new baby into your family.

    Nurture is not just about birth; it's about nurturing you through the entire transformative journey into parenthood.


  • A doula can greatly enhance your experience of childbirth and the postpartum months. Your birth doula will be at your side along with your Dr./midwife and partner, as part of your team for continuous support during labor and birth. Or maybe you’d like a postpartum doula to help you through the transition into parenthood and family. Either way, finding a good fit for you and your family is critical.

  • Doulas provide physical, emotional, and informational support for you and your partner before, during and after childbirth. Hiring a Doula not only means that you aren’t doing this alone but also ensures a trained and experienced expert will guide you through the process of having a baby, no matter where or bow you give birth.

  • Yes! Most medical facilities and birth centers consider doulas as part of the labor support team, so you can still bring other visitors with you. This changed for a period during COVID, but has gotten back to normal for most facilities, but check with your local hospital or birth center as guidelines are subject to change.

  • Nurture Doulas in no way replace your partner in your birth experience. Our role is to support and enhance the role that your partner can play in your birth experience. Supporting you physically, emotionally and mentally during your birth, leaves space for your partner to focus on the important things: YOU and your baby.

  • Absolutely. Nurture Doulas know that this is a family experience. And whether this is your first, third, or seventh baby (yes, we have repeat clients who have had up to seven babies with us), each birth is different and each partner experience can be different. A doula supports both mom and partner in preparation for and during birth.

  • Offering breastfeeding knowledge, support, and assistance.

    Helping with newborn care, such as diaper changes, naps, and feedings.

    Gives mom a break by holding or feeding the baby so that she can rest, take a walk, or read a magazine.

    Provides assistance with light housekeeping such as loading the dishwasher, meal prep, or folding laundry

    Providing resources to related services, such as birthing classes or a lactation consultant.

    Postpartum doulas are experts in normal newborn behavior and appearance, and normal postpartum healing. They do not diagnose medical issues, but they can point out things that don't seem normal so that parents can contact the appropriate professional.

    A postpartum doula's responsibilities change each day based on your needs. Their role has its roots in a philosophy of experienced women supporting other women as they welcome a new baby into the family. A postpartum doula gives you physical and emotional support after the birth of your baby. Our doulas are CAPPA certified and follow a CAPPA scope of practice, using evidence-based information in their approach.