our blog
Taking Time to Soak it In
Wednesdays Nurture is closed. It is a wake up early and make a big breakfast before working from home, kind of day.
Googly Eyes & All
A googly eye was stuck somewhere on my skin when I stepped into the shower today. As I watched it swirling towards the drain, I quickly grabbed it up and stood there for a moment— half smiling and half with a lump in my throat.
Why Your Birth Matters
I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday, but I can tell you (in great detail) the births of my children. If you have taken a class from me, you have probably heard me say that before, because I want to tell you how important birth is to a MOTHER as much as it is to her child.
Gestating You
This potted plant on my windowsill reminds me of how women dream. We gestate our mission statements. Our vision grows inside of us well before it takes shape and is born.