There is a Story Behind This Painting
Hi, we are Erica & Scott, owners of Nurture. Erica is a certified labor doula and CAPPA faculty doula trainer, maternity concierge, childbirth educator, and midwife assistant. Scott is an engineer, a pilot, an elected official in our township, and a business mastermind. We started Nurture out of a passion to offer a place for pregnant couples to find the full circle support they need when planning a pregnancy and welcoming a new baby. This is our story.
Several years ago I saw this painting at my midwife's office when I was pregnant with my 4th baby. At every prenatal visit, it seemed like whatever I needed to hear that day would jump out at me through the bright visuals and words of affirmations, and I would leave her office feeling grateful and happy.
Years later, my midwife-friend joined a team of medical providers in the Philippines and asked if I would keep the painting while she was gone, so I hung it in my office where I taught classes and saw private doula clients for prenatal appointments. I’ve had wonderful conversations with pregnant couples about the mind-body connection during labor as a result of this painting.
Later, my office moved ant the painting was in storage for awhile. It moved with me to Dayton when Scott and I got married, and now this muse-of-a-painting has chosen its next home… Nurture of Hyde Park. This painting is the VERY FIRST piece that Scott and I brought to Nurture the moment we got the keys to unlock our doors. When you visit, be sure to take a moment to look at the colors and affirmations that vine throughout the painting, surrounding the pregnant woman with positivity and light.
This painting symbolizes Nurture to us— a beautiful, vibrant place that redefines prenatal wellness by offering a full-circle of support, relaxation services and education for women in their childbearing years, and we aren’t doing it alone! We have a team of LMTs, sonographers, a pediatric sleep consultant, personal stylist, life coaches, doulas, a mental health therapist, lactation consultants…experts who will be bringing their expertise and services to Nurture. You can literally find just about everything you need right inside our doors and if it isn't here we will help you know where it find it.
Our mission is to empower a beautiful, meaningful and enjoyable pregnancy supported by fetal bonding experiences, education, and introspective self-care and bodywork therapies. Please stop by and say hello when you get a chance, we always love to engage with our customers on a personal level. Scott and I have seven (yes, seven!) children, so we know how important unbiased support and individualized attention is (for moms & dads too!) when you are expecting. We are both native Ohioans and lovers of the Queen City.
Thank you for being here. We are excited to be on this journey with you!
Erica & Scott.