Affirmations Wall

This beautiful “Affirmations Wall” caught my eye the other day while attending a birth. Isn’t it lovely? I love all the colors and phrases on each card. This mamma surrounded herself with positivity every step of her pregnancy and everything that she put into her birth came back to her tenfold, in every way. It was so inspiring!

Think about it…mammas-to-be put so much into the best prenatal vitamins, special exercises or yoga, a doula, classes…. to prepare for birth— but what about preparing her mind? 

Positive affirmations create new pathways in your brain for positive mental, emotional, and physical changes. The mind/body connection is so strong during childbirth. Your thoughts really can create your reality. Just like you need exercise to stay healthy, you need mental exercises, like positive affirmations, to have the birth you desire.

If you want to try it out and see if this might be something that works for you, go for it! Positive affirmations for pregnancy are everywhere on the internet. Lots of good resources out there!

If you want some guidance, join me for Guided Prenatal Meditation. Every Tuesday I have a virtual class that I teach at noon and an in-person class at 7pm. (Link in bio!)

And if you really want to learn more about preparing for a peaceful, empowering birth experience join a hypno-birthing class. Next series starts in Feb. and there are still a few spots left. We would love to see you there!

#nurturecincy #hypnobirthing #birthisbeautiful #hypnobirthingclass #breatheitout #gratitude #positivevibes #positivepregnancy #empoweredbirthing #cincinnatibirth #hypnobirthingcincinnati #hypnobirthing #doulatips #cincinnatimom #ohiobaby #cincygram #cincinnatipregnancy #momsofdayton #childbirtheducator #certifiedlabordoula #momsofcincinnati 


Five Things to Know Before Your Ultrasound at Nurture


This is the face of “just born.”