This is the face of “just born.”

This is the face of “just born.”

New baby- just born.

New parents— just born.

New love— just born.

New joy — just born.

New power— just born.

This is hypno-birth. This is prenatal guided meditation. This a first time mom arriving to the hospital at 7cm! This is hard work paying off. And this is her story.

“Around 10:00pm on Tuesday 12/20 I noticed some bloody show and started having contractions shortly after. I was in early labor all night and by morning contractions were 2-3 minutes apart, but when my doula arrived contractions began to slow, but continued all day. By Wednesday evening the contractions picked back up on their own and we headed to the hospital when contractions were once again 2-3 mins apart. I was 7cm dilated when we arrived at the hospital and I was able to labor in their tub for a while, but after a few hours I wasn’t progressing further and was getting exhausted. My midwife mentioned that my water bag was bulging through my cervix which was likely stalling progression, so I requested to have my water broken and I’m so glad I did!! Things started progressing much more quickly after my water broke and baby boy was born shortly after midnight on Thursday 12/22 😊  We are so over the moon in love with our little man and I am so thankful for my birth experience and the ways hypno-birthing prepared me for labor and delivery!”


We still have spots available for our April class series— join us! This class is evidence-based and supports all birth plans. Feel welcomed, safe, and informed no matter how you give birth.

Any questions? Feel free to ask!

#nurturecincy #hypnobirthing #birthisbeautiful #hypnobirthingclass #breatheitout #gratitude #positivevibes #positivepregnancy #empoweredbirthing #cincinnatibirth #hypnobirthingcincinnati #hypnobirthing #doulatips #cincinnatimom #ohiobaby #cincygram #cincinnatipregnancy #momsofdayton #childbirtheducator #certifiedlabordoula #momsofcincinnati


Affirmations Wall


This is hypno-birthing